Last Modified: Wednesday, Feb 13, 2019

Not going to detail everything, the documentation isn’t bad.


As of now (3/23/19), you cannot access the CMS locally from what I can tell. It pulls from GitHub, not local (and even then it looks like it has to be a Netlify build, not just a commit)

Make sure to create hidden fields that autofill the Params listed in the matching archetype.

Make sure to provide descriptive Labels & hints for your clients.

Example Config.yml

Example index.html

Conditional Rendering reference:

Be aware that conditional rendering works differently for regular items and lists/objects.

Regular: variable || ""

List/Object: variable.getIn(["data"]) && render


No longer put the index.html in /static/admin, must put it in src/netlify-cms with the following

npm i webpack-file-changer

const path = require("path");
const fileChanger = require('webpack-file-changer'); 


new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
        filename: "[name].[hash].css",
        chunkFilename: "[id].[hash].css"


plugins: [
    new fileChanger({
      move: [{
        from: path.resolve(__dirname, "src/netlify-cms", 'index.html'),
        to: 'dist/admin/index.html',
        parameters: {
          'main\\.css': 'main.[hash].css'
        before: function(stats, move) {
        after: function(stats, move) {


      complete: function(stats) {